Our Procedure
We are always learning and improving
Every year Clear Voice provides language services to thousands of people via telephone interpreting, video interpreting, face-to-face assignments, or written translations. However, every so often someone comes away from using our services feeling unhappy.
Perhaps you had to wait too long to access an interpreter or one of our interpreters did not meet our high standards. We always aim to deliver the best language services on the market and that is why we have a complaints procedure. Sometimes we can put things right; sometimes we can only explain ourselves and apologise. But we do want to learn from our mistakes. What you tell us helps improve our service to you. We are committed to treating your complaint seriously, confidentially, and quickly.
What can I do?
Many complaints can be resolved very quickly and without having to make a formal complaint. It is important to let us know that you are unhappy and to give us a chance to put things right.
Please speak to our Operations team or your Account Coordinator who may be able to help straight away. If you still feel a formal complaint should be raised, or you still have concerns, then
they may pass details of the issue on to the Complaints department on your behalf. Alternatively, you can use our formal complaints process directly, as explained below.
Formal Complaints Procedure
Formal complaints are handled in accordance with our complaints procedure.
If you wish to understand this process you can read the full procedure using the following link:
Making a formal complaint
There are a number of ways you can make a complaint:
You can email [email protected]
You can use the formal complaints contact form on this website
You can telephone 0800 520 0380
You can put the information in a letter and post it to:
Clear Voice Complaints, Charlton House, Dour Street, CT16 1AT
Please note that your complaint does not need to be written in English. It can be written in your own language (by yourself or someone else) and we will then have it translated. Please let your Clear Voice Account Coordinator know if you will need to use our interpreting or translation services so that we can arrange that at the beginning of process.
Who can complain?
Anyone accessing Clear Voice’s services may complain. We will only deal directly with you, and not a third party, unless you have given us written consent to do so.
If you need additional help to make your complaint (such as an interpreter or translation) then please let us know.