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Providing Children’s Books to Those in Need
25/04/2023 General

Clear Voice has partnered with Book Aid International and City of Sanctuary to provide children’s literature to young people who need it most. 

Through book donations that will be distributed by City of Sanctuary and a cross-promotion of the global work that Book Aid International carries out, Clear Voice will be highlighting the importance of access to books and provide increased opportunity for reading across the globe.

Clear Voice will shortly begin gathering local donations of children’s books from our interpreters, staff, and the wider community. These donations will be distributed amongst the diverse network of organisations that City of Sanctuary proudly work with. The City of Sanctuary network seeks to support and connect organisations passionate about creating safe spaces for refugees across the country. All of the local book donations gathered by Clear Voice will be shared amongst this network, helping young people across the country and promoting access to literature.

Alongside these local donations, we will be working collaboratively with Book Aid International to promote the importance of access to books worldwide. Book Aid International is a UK registered charity which creates access to books where it’s needed most. Clear Voice is proud to help increase the reach of this incredible work and share the importance of reading with as many people as possible.